Wednesday, November 24, 2010


This is about Lanvin for H&M in Dubai
In 10 minutes almost everything is gone!
Though it's not cheap you know, prices starting from around RM700+
Here are some photos for you to see from the


JeM said...

Ya Rabbi! Crazy!

Jelita78 said...

perghhh.. what a shame..
awat dia tak organise elok elok?
mcm kat US, depa have to line up to get into the store, and then given a wrist tag, whereby ada time bila bley masuk, they set time in groups, and then they limit up to only 2per items only, and they even segregate group men-hanya masuk men's wear department sahaja, and women kat women's wear.. baru laa dapat shopping dgn adil dan saksama..

IreneYaya said...

Kak Jem: Kan?

Aida: I think they cannot do like that in GCC countries because mostly the local ppl have the power to buy. Nnt terus x laku naya. Lagipun here bukan macam US they buy and markup to resell on eBay, ppl over here buy because they want the items for themselves or give it to their friends n sedara mara.

Zoe Ana Yusof said...

OMG it shows how crazy the ladies are in Dubai when it comes to shopping. eh wait. not only in Dubai but all around the world,it may seem. LOL

nini ismail said...

sempat gak tgk shopper yg crazy nyer bags... LV, Chanel & Chanel... uishhh

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