Date: 27th May 2012 Time: 6.25pm (UAE time) Place: Al Noor hospital Abu Dhabi, UAE Weight: 2.9kg Alhamdulillah it was a smooth normal delivery. Thank you everyone for the wishes!
yaya, congrats to u & hubby as well as the 2 eva is soooo cute. alhamdulillah dah dpt girl.. doakan yer...for me...i just got to know that i'm preg again this morning..alhamdulillah...
~Mrs AA. Mom of 2 boys. The youngest daughter and sister. Pisces. Bachelor of Electronics Engineering, MMU. UAE residence. A Chanel Junkie. Obsessed with Apple. Owner of Euphoria Junction. An ordinary person who loves many things in life and still has a lot of things to learn.~
Tahniah Irene and Aeka!! Eva is super cute. Nice name too! Take care yer :)
tahniah sis. bestnya baby tido
Congrats!! Cute sgt nak nangis.. patiently wait for my turn for a baby girl.. when can i hold Eva? nakkkkk
cute sangat baby eva ni...
congrats to u & hubby as well as the 2 eva is soooo cute. alhamdulillah dah dpt girl.. doakan yer...for me...i just got to know that i'm preg again this morning..alhamdulillah...
comel sgt n nice name! terbayang Eva Longoria lak hehe.. congrats :))
Thank you Lily. Hoping one day we can meet again! Lily take care too. =)
Thank you Eira. =)
InsyaAllah nanti turn Yanie pulak...Kita sama sama doakan ameen...make sure nnt Irene balik home leave nnt kita jumpa k? =)
Thank you Rina =)
Thank you sha. Alhamdulillah congrats, InsyaAllah rezeki baby girl pulak...doa banyak2...take care k Sha
Terima kasih Yulie. Hehehe =)
Tahniah irene...mesti seronok dpt bb girl...;-)
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