~Mrs AA. Mom of 2 boys. The youngest daughter and sister. Pisces. Bachelor of Electronics Engineering, MMU. UAE residence. A Chanel Junkie. Obsessed with Apple. Owner of Euphoria Junction. An ordinary person who loves many things in life and still has a lot of things to learn.~
happy birthday aiden... dah 3 years old dah...
lamanyer x dgr kabar ko yaya, how r u? :)
jeles nyer i !!
jgn nak harap laaa amin nak kiss adik nya arif sini.
his not that affectionate.
Nini: Kan? And bulan May birthday Erina ni genap sudah 5 tahun saya di Abu Dhabi. 5 tahun dah?
LiLithFair: Sufiahhhhhh....lama jugak tak dgr khabar kau sejak aku takde FB. Miss ya bebeh esp bila dgr lagu SP. Do keep in touch k!
Aida: Hihi, yeke? I guess Izz mmg affectionate kot. Tapi kadang2 bergaduh n berebut jugak...
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