~Mrs AA. Mom of 2 boys. The youngest daughter and sister. Pisces. Bachelor of Electronics Engineering, MMU. UAE residence. A Chanel Junkie. Obsessed with Apple. Owner of Euphoria Junction. An ordinary person who loves many things in life and still has a lot of things to learn.~
makannnnnn pastu tak exercise. apa akan jadik? T___________T
Whenever I exercise, I'll think that I can eat more, so lama-lama, result sama, tak kurus-kurus jugak. So difficult!
jgn kire weight... kire inches.. better and stamina.
makan jer la, selagi ade selera n boleh makan. nnt klu dah tua tak de selera la, kena pantang itu ini la.. at least dah puas makan.
uishhh...sedapnya semua foods tu...
CC: Ala, u takpe baru 26 metabolism still tinggi. Ni umur makin naik, badan and selera pun naik apa kes kan? huhuhu
lil sharky: Same ere! But I still exercise, dun want to give up yet. hehehe. Yes we can! =)
Nini: I guess bila exercise secara tak langsung muscles pun built so tu takde effect on weight loss kot.
MS: Itulah...cannot tahan so makan jelaaa.. =P
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