At 9am I went out and I think the weather is already 40 degrees. Went to the post office and I saw this old pakcik selling magazines outside the post office. Kesian sangat because I really can't stand the heat and the pakcik have to do his job tgh2 panas (mind to tell you that panas kat sini lagi teruk dari Malaysia). Sometimes saya rasa taknak keluar from the house because takut the kids tak tahan panas and I risau sangat when reading about heat wave.
Back to the pakcik tadi, saya rasa sedih and nak tolong dia but with the 2 kids around me to protect time panas ni what could I do kan? So saya tolongla beli magazines pakcik tu so that dia rasa cukup rezeki hari ni, he can stop selling before sampai tengah hari.
Then waktu petang hubby picked us up and we went to the car wash at the petrol station. There's 3 Pakistanis working sampai basah2 baju coz of the heat. And hubby told me bukan kesian dekat them saja, yg kerja dekat construction sites lagi teruk, with their low salary etc. It makes me realize how lucky I am. Aku sungguh bersyukur di atas nikmatMu ya Allah! Murahkanlah rezeki mereka yang berusaha untuk mendapat rezeki yang halal. Amin....
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Perjalanan PhD
5 years ago
1 comment:
btol tu kak.sian sgt tgk diorg kan.dlm keadaan panas yg amat skrang ni,diorg kena keje.gaji mmg ciput la,sama mcm kat doha ni pon.sedih tgk diorg keje teruk2....:(
tu la,saya pon doakan semoga Allah murahkan rezeki diorg.berkat usaha keras diorg tu kan.insyaAllah.Amin.
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