I suke mcm mcm ni ajer, simple tapi cantik ! i dont like yang banyak banyak batu, or kerawang sana sini. Mcm I punya, but mine a mixture of white / yellow gold, pon 1 batu jugak.
Rini: Pening! mcm2 pesen yg lawa2! Tapi last2 I pilih yg simple je. =) kat sini diamonds dia menusuk kalbu! huhuhu....no wonder the foreigners said Dubai is the best place to find the enggagement ring!
a few days ago, i found out one of the claws on my ring, bent. i tak perasan, agaknya musti tesangkut with cardigan or something, sbb winter winter nih, pakai baju bebulu.
anyway, i went to the jeweller, tried to get thing fixed. unfortunately, it will take up to 16 days just to repair that small bend. Gile ke takk ??? sampai namblas hari !!!! baik i beli baru ajer !
Rini: hehehe...lamanya nak repair! I pun repair my earrings tak pergi ambik2 lagi. hahaha..padahal kedai kat bawah rumah across the road je. Malas nak keluar time panas2 gini. Kalau keluar mesti nak masuk kereta terus sebab nak cepat2 aircond then berlari masuk mall sebab nak aircond jugak! hehehehe
~Mrs AA. Mom of 2 boys. The youngest daughter and sister. Pisces. Bachelor of Electronics Engineering, MMU. UAE residence. A Chanel Junkie. Obsessed with Apple. Owner of Euphoria Junction. An ordinary person who loves many things in life and still has a lot of things to learn.~
Cantik !
I suke mcm mcm ni ajer, simple tapi cantik ! i dont like yang banyak banyak batu, or kerawang sana sini. Mcm I punya, but mine a mixture of white / yellow gold, pon 1 batu jugak.
Rini: Pening! mcm2 pesen yg lawa2! Tapi last2 I pilih yg simple je. =) kat sini diamonds dia menusuk kalbu! huhuhu....no wonder the foreigners said Dubai is the best place to find the enggagement ring!
a few days ago, i found out one of the claws on my ring, bent. i tak perasan, agaknya musti tesangkut with cardigan or something, sbb winter winter nih, pakai baju bebulu.
anyway, i went to the jeweller, tried to get thing fixed. unfortunately, it will take up to 16 days just to repair that small bend. Gile ke takk ??? sampai namblas hari !!!! baik i beli baru ajer !
Rini: hehehe...lamanya nak repair! I pun repair my earrings tak pergi ambik2 lagi. hahaha..padahal kedai kat bawah rumah across the road je. Malas nak keluar time panas2 gini. Kalau keluar mesti nak masuk kereta terus sebab nak cepat2 aircond then berlari masuk mall sebab nak aircond jugak! hehehehe
beb, murah tak rega diamond sana compared to here?
hehehe...terasa disayangi!
Nnt I email u apa yg I survey kat sini, if u nak I email laaa...kalau tanak terjebak, sila inform saya. =P
lovely...like it..
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