When he was still a baby
Then the day when he is becoming a brother
And he grew bigger...
and bigger....
Now look, this is him during his first day in school.
The night before we bought stuffs to prepare for his school
And the next morning, I prepared his first bekal which he forgot to bring the lunchbox back home! LOL
And during the first day we sent him to school
During his second day in school, he had his swimming lesson. He went back and trying to teach me "Mama, I was swimming like this! like this! *sambil kicking on the back*"
And I checked his bag, his towel was missing, but there's someone else towel & a swimming trunk. They might have changed it among themselves LOL!
And today is his 3rd day to school wearing the PE uniform
And this is the picture of him waiting for his school bus and saying "Bye Mama! I love u Mama, You love Izz?"
Yes mama loves Izz very much! Study smart k. =)
entry ni comel ok. cant wait for my son's first day!!
it must be hard for you kan yaya? julie's turn next year, nak kena lepaskan aisya masuk standard 1.. sedih :(
so cute your son in his school uniform! Best of luck to Izz!
hi dear, dah lama tak leave comment. Aww so sweet his first day of sch. boleh emotional tengok anak kite dah membesar dgn cepatnya.
oh gosh irene!
ko tak nangis ke?
aku tgk gambar mcm rasa sebak sikit..
heck, if it was me, sure dah melalak.. maklumlaa.. i ni emo sket.. celebrate bday amin, i yg dok menangis sedih dia cepat sangat membesar!
comel comel ...sukeeeee
ooowwwhh.. mmg cepat ajekan anak2 kita ni membesar??
bila teringat time diorang baru lahir, alahaiiiii...
slamat pergi skolah izz! and have fun!
oh my! tatau napa tapi i sebak baca this entry *sob sob*
Exactly like how i feel bila hantar Damia dulu.
He is now handsome and 'big abang' already! Teringat dulu2 dlm fp kecik je lagi Izz.. cepat je masa berlalu.
izz dulu comel skrg hensem nya..
irene,blh x nak tya..travel pot/cooker tu 'lepas'x (kat airpot)if kite letak dlm luggage?
irene...cepatnya izz dah besarkan..dah sekolah..i start baca your fp since dia bb lagik...cepat sungguh masa berlalu...:)
terharu rasanya baca entry ni. tatau la what i feel next year, bila my doter nak masuk kindy for the 1st time. huhuhu... u give me an idea.... i should do the same as u did.. snap pic for the very 1st day, n make an entry! huhuhu.... unforgettable memory. rite?
Ermie: =) Sayu n sebak perasaan dia. Tu belum ke University lagi. hihi
Julie: Yup, risau sebenarnya...but when we intai he is doing ok in the class legaaaaa
Noreen: TQ
Earnie: TQ dear, yes sekejap je. Dia membesar dgn rapid!
Aida: The time when we saw he is ok in the class, then that feeling could not be described. (Happy, sebak, rasa cepatnya dia besar, semua ada..mix feelings)
Miss Practical: =)
Elin: =)
KS: Yup, kejap je kan?
Erna: The same thing I said masa ur entry dulu.
it's: TQ. Yes, lepas...masuk dalam luggagela, jgn bawak naik cabin.
Mama3H: Yeke? Tula..kejap je, ni pun dah masuk our 5th year kat Abu Dhabi.
Sue: Yes u should do that..for memories.
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