Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's More Than Just A Toy...

I told hubby a few times I want to go to Pavillion but he said tak payahla... Dia tak suka pergi tempat crowded n jam... Then I told him I wanna go to get my first ToyWatch and he asked... What is Toywatch?

Hello, pakcik terror IT silalah google. Then, lepas google dia pulak excited! And terus semalam we went there to get our first TW.
At first I am contemplating between these 2 sebab konon nak match with my bag. *wink*

Then hubby said u bukan ada that one bag saja. Nnt susah nak match dengan bag choices bertambah

Trying and trying and trying

And hubby berkenan with the white with crytals yg the same design with Chanel J12 and the ones yg Sandra Bullocks pakai in The Blind Side

And he got himself a spider TW! Voilà!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Julia R said...


just wondering kalau tak keberatan how much ya price range for the watch? thanks.

kaezrin said...

love it...harus kena beli lagi..:P

nini ismail said...


suke suke...

IreneYaya said...

Mak Farhah: Rasanya from RM600++ and above.

Kaezrin: Sila sila. =)

Nini: Tima Kacih. =)

Anonymous said...

hi babe,

i pun baru angkat 1 toywatch..jenis crystal clear n ada diamond tu...

sgt suke..

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