Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rejuvenate With Dubai Sandstorm

Sandstorm means weather dah start nak panas balik....huhuhu...and some of our Etihad friends has been moving to live in Dubai. We on the other hand, still here at the same place and the same house since 4 years ago.

Anyway, living in Abu Dhabi make spending time in Dubai like a weekend treat. I feel fresh, rejuvenate and sane again. TQ abang!!!

Putih Hitam Kelabu

Kelabu 'dog sh*t' or kelabu asap?
Kelabu mata sebenarnya....

Friday, February 26, 2010

Valentino and Prada


Valantino and Parda sebenarnya

Salam Maulidur Rasul! ;)

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Now is already like almost 9 months since my last visit to Malaysia.
And I've starting to crave things that is not the same taste as in here...
One of it is Sate Kajang...
Ada any millionaire nak buka restaurant Sate Kajang kat sini??
Saya boleh tolong uruskan... hehehee

So I made my own sate...
It's not the same taste like Sate Kajang, but boleylaaaa...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Masuk Bakul Angkat Sendiri

One morning, when I was busy preparing breakfast and hubby was preparing to go to work, suddenly we heard a boy screaming....



Then I felt relieved when hubby said: "SAYANG!!! Grab the camera!"

And I saw budak tecik ni masuk bakul nak angkat sendiri. Sampai tersepit jari kecik dia. huhuhu....OUCHHH! Cian dia...tula..siapa suruh masuk bakul angkat sendiri?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Life is Richer at Bloomingdales!

So here, as promised the pictures of the newly opened Bloomingdales in Dubai Mall!
So if anyone is going to Dubai, buy the designer bags in Bloomingdales ok, because their price is slightly cheaper than the boutiques. =) 

Then we went to the LG floor to get the famous NYC cupcakes! I thought nak makan magnolia cupcakes only during my birthday but hubby bought another black forest cake. So that day mmg my stomach full with benda2 manis ni sampai pening2 ok! a present to myself for my 30th birthday, I finally got this...

I finally found the perfect dark grey bag that I wanted and been searching for the right ones for a long long time! YAY!  

Monday, February 22, 2010

My Birthday at TGIF!

Hubby wanted to celebrate at some place we never go...or maybe at a nice, breezy restaurant in Dubai Marina or Festival City, but I can't wait to go to Dubai Mall just because of the bloomies (Bloomingdales). So I requested to celebrate my birthday at TGIF in Dubai Mall (but pls pls pls don't tell them it's my birthday...embassing lah dgr they shouting nyanyi2 hehehe). =)

I miss my family and friends in Malaysia!!! Sempat la jugak skypey skypey with them. 
TQ adek, abang, kakak, my nieces and nephews for the thoughts and wishes!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Young At Heart

(but slightly older in some other parts) hahahaha....TQ all for the great wishes! I am still me and janganla tengok saya dari sudut lain pulak k. *shy*

I guess on Sunday u all must be lazying around or relax or pergi jalan2..But Sunday over here in Abu Dhabi is a working day. Weekends kat sini are on Friday & Saturday. Waktu I mula2 sampai sini lagilah...Weekends on Thursday & Friday, then they change to Friday & Saturday

Anyway, I had a great day yesterday...Makan byk sampai bangun pagi tadi sakit2 badan, pening2 kepala.. then today nak kena kemas semua benda yang patut...So now tak boleh type banyak...a lot of things nak kena buat, kalau tak this Wednesday / Thursday I cannot bermalas-malasan. Will upload the pictures later...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I'm a Happy Fish Swimming In Time

Wohoooo.....It's my BIRTHDAY!!!
I am already THIRTEEN today
OPPSS Perasan...hahaha...THIRTY - THREE ZERO
And I can't wait to spend my day today in Dubai!

and I got these quotes

"The 30th birthday is special. You are now officially a mature and responsible adult who has the necessary wisdom to make important decisions in life. The 30th birthday heralds your adult status with measured indulgence"
IS IT???
So I hope in 30's I'll be keeping and using my wits.
Especially dalam hal menguruskan houseworks dan anak-anak

And...I would like to take this opportunity to ask forgiveness from all my friends and readers
If any of my words or entries had offended u in any ways
As we grow years by years
Some of the unintended things we did
Was because of our immature thinking
So sebagai insan yang lemah, itulah kelemahan saya...
especially putting some things that I wanna say in good words.

So, back to the my entry title...
Why is it a HAPPY FISH?
Because I am a PISCES!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Mencari Ketenangan

I love this place and always looking forward to spend time here everyweek. =)

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."- Kurt Cobain

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Please Don't Underestimate A SAHM

I remember, once I was a very committed student. Since I was 11 I put a big poster in my room,
PMR - 8As
SPM - 9As
The main reason is because I want to go to study in overseas like my twin brothers did. Then when I achieved my target, economy is downturn and I got a scholarship to MMU. My brother said, it's a blessing in disguise coz I was a naive girl, u'll never know what's gonna happen to me overthere. Anyway, after 1 month in MMU, I got an offer by Renong to study in Australia. But I turn down the offer because I remember during the interview for the scholarship, they asked me to take off my tudung if I want the scholarship. (sabar je kan?)

Then what I knew I took Engineering, and my aim is to achieve a good CGPA so that scholarship tak kena kick and I want to work to get my own financial independence. Then time flies so fast, I got my own career, my own salary, 4 years later I quit and be a SAHM. I didn't quit at the first time (just took unpaid leave) but some people said rugi and sayang lah berhenti kerja..unpaid leave pun rugi coz it might slow down my career progress. But I took just because my husband asked me so (to get keredhaan hubby jugak) and part of me wanted to take care of our son. Then after 2 years, I quit for good. 

Don't get me wrong, but deep down in my heart, terkilan jugak (who doesn't?)...I studied hard last2 jadi domestic engineer...nak apply kerja kat sini hubby tak bagi...he prefers me to be a fulltime mother. The part yang sedih when some people (not all) look down at SAHM. Then some people would also say, Oh, she's lucky because her husband provides for everything...well, provide doesn't mean just money...should provide also counts taking care of the family including cooking, washing, yadda yadda. I know some SAHM also got almost the same story and feeling like me.

Sometimes ago I felt mentally challenged by not doing anything plus I hate to depend on him financially bcoz I used to have my own financial I took the effort to create my online business from home. At least, it's something rather than my routine everyday housework. Just...just...scary thoughts if anything happen tu of course ada (knock on wood). But hopefully that is when my education and experience in business will come to my rescue.

Sorrylah, entry harini emo skit because of one incidence happen over here. Please bear with me.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Birthday Wish List

Huhuhu....I'll be reaching 30 next week,
So am sharing my wishlist yang berzaman....

1. A watch
Which I already got it a few months ago and dah lama pakai. hahahaha

2. Earrings - This one I wish it'll be from my mom or my siblings

3. A bag

4. Birthday wishes from my families and friends and lurkers (don't wish me now, today is not my birthday yet)

Nak iPad pun bukan available sekarang kan?

Other than things, I want:
1. A good health: Health is wealth..If not siapa nak jaga my family kat sini?

2. Akal fikiran - Yang tahu membezakan yg mana betul dan salah, and tidak menjadi ignorance.

3. Keimanan dan kekuatan: Semoga my roh sentiasa terpelihara dengan mengingati-Nya dan mencintai-Nya. Dunia sentiasa dicari, akhirat juga seiring sentiasa dijunjungi
4. Love - From my husband, anak2, families and friends

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hmmm...sedapnya bila tengok ni...
terasa macam nak makan...
Reminds me at the softness,
scattered layered surface of...




Pictures: Googled

Gucci, Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Miu Miu, Anya Hindmarch and Prada

As usual, when I am overwhelmed, I can be crazy enuff to spend for my online boutique
All bags 100% authentic.
Visit Euphoria Junction if you are interested.
TQ for looking.

Izz's Bufday Partay!!!

Hubby was not feeling well last week, and this weekends he needed to prepare for the upcoming performance review. So macam2 obstacles to organize their birthday party. *sigh* 

Anyway, we brought him to the Toys'R'Us, nak pilih present for Izz pun pening. Thought nak buy a bicycle for him, but there's no stock for bicycle at his age and height. So, we ended up buying him another toys. =) Izz, next yearlah bicycle ok?

Ni kes tak sabar tak bukak. hehehehe
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